Did You Know Your Mental Health Diagnosis Could Qualify You for a Reasonable Accommodation at Work?

Managing Mental Health at Work

If you’re struggling with your mental health at work, you’re not alone—and you have rights. Many employees don’t realize that conditions like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health challenges can qualify for workplace accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other employment laws. These accommodations can help you maintain your job, improve your well-being, and support your long-term success.

How Workplace Accommodations Can Help You

Workplace accommodations are adjustments or modifications that help employees with mental health conditions perform their jobs effectively. These could include:

✔ A flexible work schedule or remote work options

✔ Additional break time to manage symptoms

✔ Adjustments to workload or deadlines

✔ A quieter workspace or noise-canceling equipment

✔ Supportive leave options under FMLA or Short-Term Disability

Our Evaluation Process

At True Blue Behavioral Health, we provide professional evaluations to determine your eligibility for:

FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) Certification – Temporary leave to focus on treatment

✅ Short-Term Disability/Paid Leave – Financial support during recovery

✅ Reasonable Accommodations (ADA) Assessments – Job modifications for long-term success

✅ Schedule A Certification – Expedited federal hiring for individuals with disabilities

We work with both federal employees and private industry professionals in the Washington, DC area, ensuring your documentation is clear, professional, and aligned with legal standards.

Next Steps

If you think a workplace accommodation could help you, we’re here to guide you through the process. Click below to learn more about specific services.

Workplace Accommodations Services



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Reasonable Accommodation

Reasonable Accommodation

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Schedule A Letters

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Short-Term Disability

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